A decade ago we fossilized this union on top that little hill
Do you still remember them playing our song?
The husky baritone of Ms James declaring at last our arrival to the world
You would smile in a way I never saw before
Your bright eyes secretly gleaming that escaped their attention
Your less than successful attempt to hide the blushing
My hand on your waist, guiding our dance in embrace
Our tender kiss that levitated our souls to higher grounds
Consumed every cell in my body with conviction of this commitment
I remember how your face failed to veil the anxiety
You would readjust the onyx cuff links I gave you every 5 minutes
The ones I gave you on our special night before
Soon enough love, I’ll be there
I loved how you smelled that day
A mixture of assuredness, warmth and security
Your witty, charming self coupled with deep-set dimples I adored
I remember how you held me, how you kissed my neck
How there was no one else you needed but me
She would twirl the ends of her auburn hair sieving through mails with the careful touch of her stylus, the ubiquitous conduit to virtual connectivity
Every second or so nodding in agreement to his grunts, cocking her head to the left to ponder in the distance
Immaculate in her off-shoulder little black dress and blood red stilettos, does he notice that I’m wearing less each day?
He was literally buried to the handheld device, twitching of thumbs to catch the prize
A shadow of his prime, decked in an overused Man U jersey and FBT shorts
Unsightly strays of unkempt hairs overlooked in light of that PSP
Does she know I’m ashamed that I can’t give her what she needs?
They would sit shoulder to shoulder, the stillness to each other peppered with sporadic arm jibes and reluctant intimacy
Drowned by the cacophony of station announcements, world-weary commuters and the ending of a drawn out day
Its quarter past 10 and we’re not home yet.