so finally after days of planning, cancellation and scheduling we did have our annual end year gathering. somehow fanna and my idea for a picnic held sway and despite the sticky scheduling and place we did end up somewhere quite nice and off the beaten track.
so plans for changi turned to pasir ris and otw while i was abt to pick the rest up and in the midst of frantic smses to change plans.....it had to rain at p.ris and changi..im amazed that i didnt crash into someone (judging by my astigmatised filtered driving these days) while multitasking-ly flipping thru the street directory cos all i kno of changi is the chagi village-nasi lemak-tranny area, smsing the change of plans to those who were coming later and those coming later than later, answering phonecalls while chugging redbull cos i had 3 hrs of sleep the nite before. pandai.
well at least there's no theme or wateva color code (fanna i refuse to admit that im color blind, say wat u want :P). So wen i did pick up the peeps at tanah merah im gld that there were helpers to do the calls and credit to isha's great idea ponggol it is. Luckily a Ponggolian was in the midst after the previous harrowing experience in twilight zone ponggol. On the way there tho i had to pee soo badly and i only had 1 redbull (wassup w the bladder these days).
*I'm thinking its either here (stopped by ponggol plaza) or the bushes in ponggol swampland*
so we stopped by the side of the road (yellow zig zag line) and i go:
Me: i gotta pee
Isha the rest: huh? really. where
Me: eerm ya...im not gonna pee in the sea. this shopping centre sure got rite
Isha the rest: huh? really. where
Me: eerm ya...im not gonna pee in the sea. this shopping centre sure got rite
Farin: *pointing out to the event tentage* how bout those portable toilets there. *everyone chimes in and agrees* (yes Farin i kno u deal w a lot of events and a prolly c no diff btw a real toilet and a portable one....wait are they even called portable toilets?? dis sounds funny...)
Me: im not gonna pee there (i tot they were joking). u guys wait in the car anything call me.
So there were 4 girls in the car, parked illegally by the side of the road while i went scurrying to find a toilet in this barren place. I literally ran from the car to the toilet and back. I felt like Marion Jones making the 100m dash while high on d*pe and red bull. Once back in the car i spotted a red ant on my thigh and swatted it away. Farin spotted another one a while later and they were beginning to think where the hell did i pee (since it was quite fast). Yes i peed in the bushes thinking it was a toilet bowl and stepped on an anthill otw.
quote worthy:
isha: yeah thats singapore over there. can see the fireworks.
razif n saddiq: no thats johor
isha: huh im sure its singapore. i tot i saw fireworks the other time
razif n saddiq: no its johor la.. seriously
isha: really ahrazif n saddiq: no its johor la.. seriously
(Note to Fanna n Farin: Now this is where i shud say "Seberang Tambak" w/o being mistaken for Sabah. Accurate point of reference)
*actually ah if the ponggol jetty is just beside us...then isnt that pulau Ubin?!? i remember taking the ferry to OBS from here*
thanks for the food and all and d cute cameo of lil rayyan. wokaay whose doing the next..i pass. ho ho ho.
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