Amsterdam Acoustics - Erlend Øye (Kings of Convenience) - Mrs. Cold / Ask (The Smiths) from Mokummercials on Vimeo.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fleshing out dreamy landscapes
Watercoloured cliches of the land we are in
We ogle at the beautiful people
Who walk past our cobble-stoned street
My mornings are spent there
Watching shopkeepers welcome the world in
Corporates bike their way to work
Our favourite book-keeper
Humming a foreign tune
We spend the cool nights at that veranda
Peranakan inpsired mosaic
A reminder perharps
Admiring lantern street lights which
Illuminate just enough to cast
Silhouettes of lovers
For our voyueristic souls
We play guessing games on how long
They've been together
The philandering half
Their unspoken rules
The ambiguity of silences
The smell of grilled treats
From street side stalls below
Fills the backdrop of our bellies
A thousand miles away
We can stay like this
Beyond the Stasis
April 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
taking the wrong train never gets old - uncanny song about me
I took the train going the wrong way again
Something’s happening inside my brain
I was thinking about something else again
I took the train going the wrong way again
I just dunno what is happening, I can see but I’m just not listening
I was thinking about something else again
I was thinking about me again
Maybe in a month, probably in a year or two
I’ll be back to normal, I swear that to you
She goes on and on and on, about me
There’s no one else but me honestly
Oh no she does an awful thing
I lost my wallet back home again
There’s something happening inside my brain
Threw my keys in the trashbin, then it was think about me again
Talking talking no one, listen listening
*Sweden, Norway!!What is in the water.....strawberries maybe...I wanna twee!*
Saturday, September 12, 2009
tactile hostile
'Maybe they're afraid to reveal them, cause it might change people's perception of them. Something they're embarrased about'
been a grappling point to the point i realise its not healthy and possibly affecting relationships with people around me. probably a skeleton in my closet, which i tot I had shipped out long ago. trying not to think much of it, but i need to be able to trust. in a way, the above behaviour is akin to cheating on a certain level no? but the assumption therein lies in the extent of expectations and nature of all the type of "ships" we have with people. if that is so, then i should cease to expect anything to save being on the receiving end of the above and potential bruise. yes,that should be it.
when i trust people, naturally you let them in, and by logic you will be vulnerable.
i m naive, i agree but thats cos i think the best of a person. so these days maybe im more fearful of opening up, of being vulnerable, of potential bruises. Cos i know that when i do trust, i will give it my all. An imbalanced tipping scale, which i don't want to be on. But some how I know deep down i still will. so this attitude has to change plus changing the goalposts of expectations.
disappointment is as long as its name. Yet there's still an end after T. i can choose to wait for the end or choose to refuse feeling crushed anymore.
setbacks only make you stronger, even if they repeat themselves. the latter it is.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
before sunrise
#1) was damn dehydrated and thirsty on the first day, felt like a camel who was about to have my period-cos i get damn thristy before-the whole day was damn hot and all i wanted was to drink ribena. and of course i had to pass the ahballing stall and all i wanted was ahballing. and then while trying to find french loaf cos was tasked to cook roti john i saw tar sau piah and from then i wanted to eat tar sau piah...weakness...usually m so not this neh neh. must have been the first day of puasa and the blazing heat.
#2) so for sahur next day forced myself to drink a few glasses of water, while being sulky cos i had to clean up the pots and pans afterwards, and being in semi-dazed stoned state. i stared blankly at the wall gg thru the routine of drinking my water and my mind pandered - so this must how it felt, albeit sliver of a glimmer, of how the POWs during Jap Occupation were tortured by being forced to guzzle gallons of water while their stomaches were trampled on. Torture by water...fascinating.
#3)while moodily washing up all the grease and plates,etc. again my mind pandered how would the feminist of her time, coco would react. wat acerbic retort wud she have spewed. and i could see audrey tatou starring at me with her cynical world- weary face as in the movie.
#4) while gg back under the covers, in the dark i dozily caught sight of my lil sis holding something in her hands on the bed. It was luminous bright red, and glowing in her hands. My first thought, and i seriously believed it for a moment was - eh how come she got a glowing kueh ah pam (sp?) So cool red coloured kueh ah pam, glowing, so clever hide for herself one isit. reminded me of the ah pam cake the chinese sometimes offer to their Gods, placed alongside joss-sticks at the altars and sometimes by the pavements. I oso want to eat!!! even tho i dun really fancy kueh ah pam.
only after a while did i realise she was holding the alarm clock.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
your pretty wings
after 8 years, a trilogy nonetheless. the man is sex in a voice.
probably the true heir to marvin gaye, with the signature neo soul twist.
Oh Ms Hill, where have u been hiding..?
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
menguris hatiku dengan ketepatannya
seperti segumpal darah yang beku, tersemat di jiwaku
tanpa nama, yang telahku coba megupas ertinya
awoke from non-sleep, drenched in sweat
vommitting out yesterday's excesses
asthma's byproduct, with a cocktail of phlegm
playing partners with my working mind
had i been sleeping through it all
words hit home and i realise the name
i realise what it really is, it's partly true yet
only an identified chip from the whole
i've been going about my business, feeling numb
i've been doing things i enjoy, feeling numb
admit i was attempting to recreate hapiness
moments which have been "happy moments" to me
this is not to say that i'm wholly in a negative state
it is not boredom then
it is about being joyful, or rather the lack thereof
hapiness is an elusive state, it is not an entity in itself
being joyful comes from within, it doesn't ask for more
it comes from acceptance and hope in the distance
it doesn't need external manisfestation or physical affirmation
yet all the components you choose to constitute your life
are sources of its derivation and fuel
its about being joyful that you have a chance at living; at making change;
at adding value to the world; to your world; to others; to second, third, nth chances, believing in the things you do
would it then be the composition and recomposition of these components
that brings renewal, that is something to figure out
i've seen the change
how she's grown and learnt
and i see it
it was always just the company
that's all that was enough
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
the dilemma of the essential human condition - reconciling our oscillating ends
Creative Chatter
Meditative Ease
Comfortable worn-in silences
Minuscule footsteps
Encapsulated in tiny voices
Little projects around the house
Chaotically endearing
We call them our inspirons
Who cast shadows
On our past selves
A future never envisaged
Got me
In a saddle stitch
I won't let go
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
for when faced with bad days
for when all you need is someone to talk to but naught
for when all you can do is turn inward
maybe this will bring some cheer
this has got to be the cutest and fun thing to do :)
Monday, July 6, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
an objective subjectivity
Thursday, June 11, 2009
hold your own//know your name
Sunday, May 31, 2009
of whimsies

Tucked in a corner on Fitzroy
Off the beaten track
Where our scarlet shophouse resides
Nestled amongst the creative hub of
Eclectic eateries
Bustling boutiques
Avant-garde artisans
Humble themselves in
Our little red dot
A centrepiece
In this colourful Kildanian tapestry
Hand stictched books
Adorn the off-white walls
In house murals of friends
Stand six feet tall
The scent of fresh java permeates this abode
An ode - to the love in living poured each day
Endless indie streaming on open mic nights
Our red emblem
Oh, how we love the irony
Thursday, May 7, 2009
no excuses timeout
Sunday, May 3, 2009
the crispy fried pepper
Couple of tots entered my mind:
the actors were soooo in character, as nimble and agile as the feline species themselves. every single gesture, the way they glided, nua-ed and lazed around on stage, on people *haha* totally mirrored real cats. Which got me thinking, were these actors cat-loving owners as well? How long they must have spent pouring over every single detail, gestures and mannerisms of cats? Wah how ah method acting like that? What species of cat they had to study diligently to mimic their characteristics? Whether the actors were really cat lovers?
the amazing vocal prowess and range of the thespians!! was shaking my head when the high notes were reached and the perfectly harmonised singing of everyone! how tough is that, singing in tune yourself already susah, wah lau eh more than 20 ppl is like wow.
Which again led my mind to think, no wonder the dolphin-octaved Adam Lambert from American Idol is mind-blowingly talented as he is! He's kinda hot *haha in a gay/andro way*, entertaining, engaging and not to mention his ball-busting vocal range that would put Tina Turner to shame. Liddat not fair mah.
and no i'm not thinking too much *i hope*. these imagined conversations pop into my head.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Gunhild - I'm From Barcelona
Thursday, April 23, 2009
who says organising is cathartic
Rummaging through my drawers filled with crap, paper, bills, paper, notebooks, notes, memorabilia, paper, photos, negatives, CDs and stuff I realize:
1. There are a lot of things and moments that I miss
2. I am morphing into a scrap paper whore rather than a notebook whore. Thing is more pieces of paper are accumulating. Shit. Yellow lined paper rocks as do office supplies!
3. My organizer drawers are way beyond “organized” that I can’t find stuff. Heck I forget where I even put the keys to my wardrobe drawer which contains my passport and other important stuff. Which reminds me I need to renew my passport or I can say sayonara to flying anywhere. *first thing, find the keys*
4. If I have my own room it would probably be worse than a junkyard.
5. I really have no idea where some of my stuff are
6. I’m actually living in organized chaos despite the facade of a clean room, more of a knee-jerk reaction to stop the wailing siren of the domestic matriarch. My mind actually works in organized chaos in keeping things
Which got me thinking could Singapore ever exist in an organised chaos? The systems, mechanism of doing things are structured. At a work visit, a passionate youth worker mentioned that ‘organised chaos doesn’t exist in the Singapore’s dictionary’, in comparing how a flexible, non-formal and non-overly structured US system can produce such effective programs based on simple ideas and organic mechanisms. Just dance, just paint and generate natural interest rather than mandated, contrived ideas, programs and implementation mechanisms. Of course this is based on the principle of a civic-minded community. Can we.
Now where is that damn book that started this whole exercise!
p.s. messy is good, don't let anyone say otherwise to you :)
Changes they come in numbers,
Yet the only constant thing is my inherent bouts of calamity.
ms calamity scene 1
Rushing to get to a wedding, I got out of the shower to get something from my room. In a hurry, I slipped and fell like nangka busuk. And I tell u it hurt like hell. But no it wasn’t the wailing that awoke d snoozing sister but my loud thud. Sprawled on the floor, my sis woke up with squinting eyes, looked at me, smacked her forehead and went back to sleep. Thanks ah.
Thing is the next day I realized I had a blue-black blood clot on my arm the size of two eggs. And I didn’t even hit that part of my arm. It’s still on my arm after 2 weeks, which I hope would go away. The responses range from, “What did you do? I don’t wanna know what you do in ur spare time”, “wah, you kinky hor”, “let me rub it, if not the oceh will run and spread to your face *nice try*” to “you mean u were naked when you fell?!? (Which elicited a familiar sounding response in my head à “You mean Chinese eat cow’s tongues?!?”)
Of course, I didn’t do anything and let the bugger disappear from my arm. Of all my years of breaking things, falling down and such, this has left an imprint, literally.
ms calamity scene 2
Went to a wedding, more like forced to. Someone from the great matriach’s posse left a foldable wooden fan on my table. Was waiting for the inane conversations and social niceties/updates to end when I started twiddling with the abandoned fan cos it was soooo bloddy hot (like 34degrees!) and the fan looked like it came from the traditional art institutes of Bali (like as if I know rite, but that’s the visual that popped in me head man). Right upon opening the fan, I broke one of the folds of it. Great.
Next thing I knew, while twiddling with the decapitated member, it fell into my-oh-so-bloody-sweet-teh which I really do believe had 0.1% of tea and 99.9% of condensed milk *bleurgh*. Never abandon your things around me. Hohoho.
Best thing was convincing the bro to drink the contaminated the cause it was oh so delicious. Nice.
Yes, if anything that hasn’t changed, it has to be this.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I believe that my life's gonna see
The love I give return to me
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
brush it off my shoulder
I just wanna dance:
dancing through night, dancing through the days~
Those Dancing Days - Those Dancing Days
hitten - Those Dancing Days
Monday, February 9, 2009
happy thoughts
and there wasn't any mix at home nor can i be bothered to make anything from scratch, or for that matter can anyone be bothered to make anything for i proceeded to make kaya toast instead..close as it can get i suppose and plonk myself in front of the food channel.
see i believe than when the food you have sucks, have a craving for good food or when home food isn't all that tasty to say the least, take your mish-mash and watch the food channel. And i tell you it tastes much better, just imagine your eating what's on TV. Essentially its food porn. this trick has gotten me through a few gastronomically unpleasant days.
Why can't there be IHOP in spore :(
*pancakes...pancakes..* *Double Blueberry! Butterscotch Rocks!*
Sunday, February 8, 2009
popcorn anyone?
how we fall and let ourselves fall knowing the self-destructible outcomes is the risk of leaping on faith's pitch. so we learn and break, produce a generation of cynics, who wedge distance between selves, fail to believe in happy endings, who remain guarded.
some say that its not enduring love but being in love with the person/situation in past memory, not the present or the possible future; or another view is holding on to the pain, an addiction to pain that you indulge yourself in; or maybe its just a soft spot moulded in a context of that time. whatever it is, it is amazing how an indelible impression formed through unrivalled chemistry is cast upon heartsleeves, will never be replicated but instead used as benchmarks that automatically fails those subsequently. we know we should'nt but we do it don't we?
the stories reflect how people reassume their past roles, their past selves in relation to each other. and at the points of revisiting these selves, we catch on from what was left behind, cut off, fumbled through, hastily forgotten and never realised.
we can go round in circles, looking for answers, favourable outcomes, plausible explanations but some things we have no control over, some things we can't force, yet it is all these things that matter. so we resume our journeys trying to catch ourselves every now and again when we falter or know that we can't trust ourselves from refraining.
it may be a cliche that life is neither white or black but shades of grey, which is exactly why we treck the troughs of the headaches, heartaches and injustices. for there will be peaks, however brief they may be, we can only be glad/grateful to have had those moments and that those special people shared a good part of themselves with us.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
unspoken sensibility
they've done nothing to deserve any hostility or my suspicions
unknowingly, trust is a haunting abyss i never filled
is it so hard to open a heart
Monday, January 5, 2009
amazing ponggol II

Isha the rest: huh? really. where
Me: eerm not gonna pee in the sea. this shopping centre sure got rite
razif n saddiq: no its johor la.. seriously
Sunday, January 4, 2009
yes only 2 persons is never enuf, now we kno y ther's the creative director, assistants, and photographer. and i definitely suck at the creative tot process. so much for androgynous pasty zomb look due to my lack of directive skills(nonexistant), it came out cosplay-meets-bai ling meets-"hanoi bride love you long time time". yes..research is the key to everything be it the look, props, location (that's y there are experts in each field), visual refernces, storyboard.
being unprepared n uncertain is a no no. i kno much to //ilng's chargrin partly due to the mozzies haha, she was waiting for directives, this is esp impt for ppl who are not used to modelling. be that a lesson for me. i wonder how she even got thru w/o ripping my head off. i bet a million curses were muttered under her breath.
actually the better cute shots were candid goofball ones when we decied to just give up trying to hard and just let loose. im amazed that the lass cud even pose some haute couture-ish poses since she hated them so. not bad for a siao char bor ah lian. full marks for the effort, game-ness to tahan my tak leh make it shoot.
at least we tried it out ourselves b4 putting other ppl thru it. Many lessons learnt from this tho tiring but fun nonetheless.
"only when we're young"